Who We Are

Let us Help Unlock

The Potential of Your Business

with the flexibility and efficiency of our highly skilled remote workers. Join the future of work with Offsite Support Services

We Are

Offsite Support Services

Offsite Support Services provide expert dental outsourcing solutions to enhance productivity and efficiency in your practice. We source top talent from Jamaica, eliminating the hassle of recruitment and HR while providing a cost-effective virtual dental team.

Our clients' support allows us to provide job opportunities that empower Jamaicans. In return, our clients receive English-speaking college-graduated virtual dental team members at a fraction of the cost in U.S. dollars.

Schedule A Discovery Consultation Now

How We Hire

We understand the importance of having a productive and engaged remote workforce, which is why we offer regular virtual training and networking opportunities for our remote staff to ensure they have the resources they need to perform at their best.


US Office

11140 W. Colonial Drive Suite 8
Ocoee, FL 34761

Partner Location

E. Trade Way
Portmore, St. Catherine

Offsite Support Services © 2023. All Rights Reserved.